YWCA Cass Clay to host online Racial Justice Challenge starting April 1

Community members are invited to join this free educational series to learn and grow in equity and justice.

FARGO, ND (March 21, 2024) — Registration is open for YWCA’s 2024 Racial Justice Challenge! Individuals and organizations are invited to register for this free, online learning community at ywcacassclay.org/rjc.

Starting April 1, daily challenge activities (reading an article, listening to a podcast, reflecting on personal experience, etc.) will be shared with challenge participants via a free mobile app and website. Each week covers a different topic related to equity and social justice with resources shared weekdays April 1 – 29.

This year’s challenge topics are:

  • Bodies & Identity

  • Financial Empowerment

  • Domestic Violence

  • Transportation

The YWCA Racial Justice Challenge is designed to create dedicated time and space to build more effective social justice habits, particularly those dealing with issues of race, power, privilege, and leadership.

Participation in an activity like this helps individuals and organizations discover how racial and social injustice impacts their community, identify action steps to dismantle racism and other forms of discrimination, and provides space to reflect and connect with one another.

Previously known as the Stand Against Racism Challenge or 21-Day Racial Equity and Social Justice Challenge, the YWCA Racial Justice Challenge was developed by YWCA Greater Cleveland in 2019. YWCA Cass Clay is glad to offer this virtual learning opportunity to our community again this year.



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