YWCA Supportive Housing provides individuals and families a place to call home.
YWCA’s Supportive Housing Program is a proven and cost-effective strategy for breaking the cycles of violence and homelessness.
We have provided supportive housing in our community for several decades and today encompasses seven distinct programs to meet individuals where they are at and deliver the optimal level of intervention to empower participants on their journeys to independence. Each participant finds affordable housing, an advocate to walk alongside them, and connection to resources on their path.
From this safe base, survivors continue putting together the many pieces it takes for health and financial stability.
With supportive housing, people who have histories of trauma, chronic health conditions, disability, and poverty can come to thrive in the community.
YWCA addresses the root causes of poverty and helps lift entire families out of generational poverty through our supportive services and supportive housing programs. Our program model helps break down barriers, foster achievement and belonging, and supports people where they are in their journey.
YWCA Advocates are the difference-makers who help women gain jobs and education and overcome obstacles related to childcare, care breakdowns, health setbacks, and more.
YWCA Supported Residences
Grace Garden
serves individuals and families in 30 one- to four-bedroom apartments in West Fargo. On-site Housing Advocates readily support residents in their goals.
Survivors of domestic violence who are experiencing homelessness for the first time after leaving an abuser often find themselves lower on priority lists for housing than individuals who are chronically homeless. At Grace Garden, YWCA and our partners address this need by prioritizing individuals who have experienced violence and addressing their unique needs.
Key Partners in Success
Lantern Light
serves individuals and families in 23 one- to four-bedroom apartments in close proximity to YWCA Emergency Shelter in Fargo.
In addition to apartments, the renovated former Sacred Heart Convent includes offices for YWCA’s Supportive Housing team, a technology center, community spaces for classes and gathering, and a playground.
Click below to see highlights from Lantern Light’s grand opening celebration in November 2023!
Key Partners in Success
Cove Lane
serves individuals and families in 12 one- to three-bedroom apartments.
This location was leased to YWCA Cass Clay by the Sisters of the Presentation from 2006-2023. YWCA purchased the two buildings from the Sisters in 2023 and began renovations. Here transitional housing participants have convenient access to the supportive services provided onsite at YWCA Emergency Shelter including childcare, education & employment programming, health services and more.
Key Partners in Success
YOU can Fill a Home with Hope!
Welcome families as they move into safe homes, and make a difference by helping outfit apartments with:
Kitchen, bath, and bedroom items
Towels and rugs
Cleaning supplies & more!
With your support, families arrive to fully furnished homes, showing them they’re part of a caring community that supports their journey.
Shop online or at your favorite stores using the shopping lists below (we’ve also created an Amazon List as a guide), or simply make a financial donation for YWCA to buy what’s needed as families prepare to move into YWCA Supportive Housing.
If you opt to shop, email lanternlight@ywcacassclay.org to coordinate your donation drop-off, Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm!
Downloadable Shopping Lists

If you are interested in living at Grace Garden in West Fargo, please call MetroPlains at (701) 232-1887 and ask to be placed on the waitlist.
If you are interested in living at Lantern Light in Fargo, please contact Fargo Housing at (701) 293-6262 or visit fargohousing.org.
YWCA is not able to accept applications directly and qualifications for housing vary by program.
If you are experiencing homelessness or are at imminent risk, call 2-1-1 to be connected to appropriate resources for the crisis you are experiencing (including shelter, housing, and other resources).
Waitlists for all YWCA housing programs are maintained by partner agencies in the community. The wait time for a housing unit to become available depends on a number of factors, and may be months to years.
Each YWCA housing program has different qualifying criteria to comply with funding sources, but at a minimum, individuals and families must be experiencing homelessness and/or fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence.
Additional qualifications, such as income, criminal background, rental history, and length of time homeless vary by program and are assessed during the application process once an applicant has been selected.
The length of time an individual or family may reside in YWCA housing depends on the program and ranges from six months to permanently based on need.
If you are interested in living at Grace Garden in West Fargo, please call MetroPlains at (701) 232-1887 and ask to be placed on the waitlist.
All other YWCA housing programs participate in the North Dakota CARES system and applicants are identified from a statewide prioritization list. YWCA is not able to accept applications directly to these programs.
If you are interested in living at Lantern Light in Fargo, please contact Fargo Housing at (701) 293-6262 or visit fargohousing.org.
All other YWCA housing programs participate in the North Dakota CARES system and applicants are identified from a statewide prioritization list. YWCA is not able to accept applications directly to these programs.
If you’re a service provider or other community resource looking for more information about accessing our programs, we’ve created this YWCA Supportive Housing Program Outline that outlines the housing programs we offer and the qualifications for each.
Have more questions? Email info@ywcacassclay.org and a member of our housing team will get back to you.
Over 2,000
affordable homes are needed in Cass County by 2025*
While it’s a challenge many must face together, YWCA Cass Clay is answering the call.
Since 1989, YWCA has provided individuals and families a safe place to call home. Our unique model is centered on empowering survivors to break cycles for themselves and their families. We provide easily accessible supportive services, community connections, and resources to wholistically meet needs and change lives.
Individuals who participate in YWCA’s Supportive Housing Program are healthier, more financially stable, and better equipped to live independently. YWCA’s Supportive Housing Program leverages multiple funding sources, involves many partners, and is continuously evolving to best serve our community.
In 2015, YWCA Cass Clay set a goal to double our housing units by 2020.
Today we operate 97 units of safe and affordable, short- and long-term supportive housing in Fargo and West Fargo across seven programs.
Supportive housing is a proven and cost-effective way to solve homelessness and break the grip of poverty and exposure to violence for present and future generations.
YWCA has calculated the cost per night of:
Give the gift of a safe place to call home.
You can help Fill a Home with Hope!
Welcome families as they move into safe homes. Make a difference by helping outfit apartments with kitchen, bath, and bedroom items, towels and rugs, cleaning supplies, and more.