YWCA Cass Clay CEO Selected to Represent Region at White House

FARGO, ND (November 15, 2023) – Leadership by YWCA Cass Clay in developing affordable housing for survivors of domestic violence has earned CEO Erin Prochnow a trip to the White House. In Washington today, she was selected to bring regional representation to Communities in Action: Building a Better North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska. She was invited to share YWCA experiences and her voice to conversations about the impact of federal investments in North Dakota by the current administration.

“YWCA is privileged to share real-life examples of how partnerships between the federal government, local nonprofit organizations like YWCA, and the private sector can alter the course of women’s and children’s lives so they can come to thrive in communities,” said Prochnow.

Earlier this month, YWCA Cass Clay expanded its supportive housing program by opening the 23-unit residence Lantern Light. In her White House comments, Prochnow spoke about the many public and private sector partners that together made this and other affordable housing possible.  Need for affordable housing is a high, even urgent, priority for many agencies and elected officials locally and around North Dakota.

The Communities in Action session is part of a series that features local elected officials and community leaders working on behalf of their communities to create opportunities and improve people’s everyday lives.

Prochnow is one of 50 people invited to discuss building stronger communities. “For more than a century, YWCA Cass Clay has advocated around issues of critical importance to women and children. Having the opportunity to do so at the highest level of government is a milestone for the organization and those the YWCA serves,” said Prochnow.

Prochnow has been CEO of YWCA Cass Clay since 2008. Under her leadership, YWCA has expanded its supportive housing program more than fourfold and organizational assets fivefold.



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